This newsletter archive is my new homepage. It’s not perfect - first time visitors will be greeted with a subscribe box instead of an actual website, but I’m so out of web design at the moment having a website isn’t practical.
Tools are what you make of them and I realise at this stage I need to focus on my message independently of the medium. I’ve spent too many decades futzing with websites.
Theory of Dirty is my ongoing essay on creativity in the digital age. It’s also been migrated across (instead of merely deleted like the rest of the site). I’ve pinned it as an upcoming video essay, so it will be something I can sink my teeth into for a while.
I’ve committed to getting more into video - it is the medium of the future and it’s a good one. There is a steep learning curve not in terms of technicalities but in terms of writing and presenting for video. It couldn’t be worse than hiding behind a keyboard though so we’ll give it a shot. Early experiments have highlighted aspects of myself I need to improve - not only in video - which I have neglected for too long also. Namely my tendency to self-deprecate, my erring on the side of apathy and whateverness, all of which do not translate well to video (they don’t translate well anywhere so I’ve decided I will change these things).
There are deeper ramblings rumbling in my subconscious which no doubt you will be subjected to soon.