New Vid: To struggling creatives
"How to find your creative path, stay motivated and win at life."
Not much to say except to say I’ve laboured over this script for a month or so. (On and off, of course.) Please give your responses to these tips on the YouTube video. Include any you have for me as well.
It was interesting how having worked so hard on the script I was able to go off script while recording.
Also interesting how I nearly bought a new phone to record this video although I SPECIFICALLY say to avoid this in the video itself. I ended up not using my nice camera to record this but the ultrawide (novelty) lens on the iPhone 11. Looks fine. Didn’t need to spend $1500-2000.
Enjoy the tips. Of course I’m not yet “winning” at life as a creative but I am still working at it with a positive outlook which is more than good enough I believe.
Life is good.
I’m pretty happy with the minimal/rough visual style developing.