I’ve just drunk a litre of berry tea in a Starbucks in Shinjuku. This puts me in a very precarious situation. The only thing rarer than bins in Tokyo are toilets. Having drunk a whole litre, I’m choosing to sit here and run the batteries of my devices down until I really need to go. This is so as not to get stuck in limbo like I did on the four hour bus trip in Vietnam that time. Another story.
meanwhile, hi, it is I, your resident melancholy newly-middle-aged creative. I’ve been lamenting my lack of new devices for about an hour, which is of course an hour of my life utterly wasted. The truth is that when travelling, managing battery power is a science. The short of it is I got mildly upset about having to worry about battery power at all and jumped immediately to the idea of spending thousands of dollars in an apple shop. So fire my neurons, as poorly wired as they are. My fault.
Met a dude in a vegan restaurant earlier, hi dec, is always pleasant to strike up conversations with nice people in foreign places. Have shot him all this crap I’ve been doing and if there‘s a hit we’ll know more about him and his life photographing pets and teaching English in snow-laden Sapporo soon.
Funny thing happened earlier when the real estate gave a plumber keys to our house without telling us and we saw him on camera and freaked out and called the police. Or rather asked several people we knew to call police. All while not really caring, because fuck it, the dog is safe at Dad’s.
Oh, creativity, the thing we have in common.
Life lesson today is shut your fucking brain up and use what you’ve got to crawl desperately towards your goals. Scratch that - ditch the desperation and confidently step towards your goal, in whatever meagre way you can imagine. If you’re reading this you’re already incredible blessed. Not by me, I don’t do that, by reality and the circumstance of your life. I step over a guy every day here who is lying on the ground next to a bunch of cigarette butts. Probably a reincarnated saint on the sly, but still, can’t see him buying an iPad any time soon.
And that brings me to the final point of this rambling abstract cluster fuck of a newsletter, is your goal worth more than lying on the ground in an underpass next to a bunch of cigarette butts. Just check to make sure. I’m still not sure about mine. Some days they’re very fuzzy and blended with the stories I tell myself about my past.
Until next time.